Bullfight by Yasushi Inoue

Kyodatsu is the name given to the condition of exhaustion and despair that plagued the Japanese as a people, following their defeat and humiliation at the end of the World War II and throughout the American occupation. Writes John W. Dower in his illuminating treatment of the period, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II: “Whether in war or in defeat, such collective exhaustion did appear to be the ‘great enemy’ to a vast array of observers. Just as it could erode reverence for the throne, so it might impede postwar reconstruction—not to mention undermining the whole idealistic enterprise of promoting democracy in a shattered land.”
It was a condition the poet
Horiguchi Daigaku (like the protagonist of this story) sought to help his
countrymen transcend:
The country has become small
and powerless.
food scarce,
shame plentiful,
life fragile.
Stop grieving!
Raise your eyes
to the treetops,
to the sky.
What better way to achieve
this than with a bullfight? Strange, anomalous, as this may sound, there is in
fact an old, much-cherished tradition of bullfighting in Japan, in Kyushu and the
Ryukyu Islands, dating back as far as the late 17th century. Popularly
called ushi-zumo, “sumo bullfighting,” (at least by foreigners), the
sport indeed bears a greater resemble to sumo wrestling than to Spanish and
Portuguese bullfighting in which a man confronts a bull and, after much pomp
and sadism, kills it. Tōgyū, by contrast, pits bull against bull; horns locked,
each bull with attendant coach tries to force the other bull to give way. That
is it. The bulls are not killed; they are not injured; blood is rarely if ever shed.
reminds me of the remarkable Japanese baseball tradition of playing for a tie
as the ideal outcome of any game: in that way wa (group harmony) is maintained—no one loses face and everyone
ends a winner. Which is surely not the case in Spanish bullfighting, a sport
over which I have nearly come to blows with the ghost of Hemingway, not to
mention with at least two of my more ardent Spanish friends. For while I have
never seen a bullfight in Spain, I did see one in the ancient Roman arena of the
southern French city of Nîmes, a city—with its innumerable bullfighting clubs—steeped
in the rites, rituals, and lore of Spanish tauromachia.
For all my anticipation, I did not find the bullfight beautiful; I did not find
it graceful or sporting or refined. Given the odds against the bull, I saw no courage
in the spectacle at all. It was farcical really, a sham, a precious stage play
of posturing and poses, all very much for show. And of course it was ritually, elaborately
so with the Japanese version we see in Inoue’s curiously delightful tale. Here,
though nearly everything goes wrong, the contests prove a balm, a victory for
all. Writes Ian Buruma, “To the Japanese, always acutely conscious of their
ranking among nations, sporting victories were one way to soothe memories of
wartime defeats.” It therefore comes as no surprise that this spare and simple
novella, first published in 1949, earned the fledgling author both the admiration
of his people and the prestigious Akutagawa Prize.
Yasushi Inoue, born in 1907, worked as a
journalist and literary editor for many years, only beginning his prolific
career as an author in 1949 with Bullfight. He went on to publish 50 novels and
150 short stories, both historical and contemporary. In 1976 Inoue was
presented with the Order of Culture, the highest honor granted for artistic
merit in Japan. He died in 1991. (Thanks to Pushkin Press)
Adam Nash
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